The 7: Read It, Know It, Live It

If you haven't heard about it by now, "The 7" is a life changing book written by Glenn Beck and Dr. Keith Ablow.  All Beck fans already know about it.  It is a must read for everyone, because everyone can benefit from its life changing precepts.  If you would like to purchase it from, click the following link. The 7: Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life

The book shows you how to shed yourself of emotional burdens and roadblocks that are holding you back from reaching your full potential.  The 7 are courage, faith, truth, compassion, friendship, family, and common sense, and the book provides a plan and examples on how to use them.

In order to use these tools  in a very practical sense, and to help me stay focused, I devised the "Living the 7 Wonders Worksheet".  It helps me, perhaps it can help you too.  Here it is in PDF format.

It is not in any way officially affiliated with the book or publisher.  It is just a helpful guide that I came up with.

 Living the 7 Wonders Worksheet

Thanks, and keep on reading.